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Ep. 4 Everything Earth Tribe, Remembering Source, and Raising Earth Guardians

Cosmic Earth Wellness

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Episode  ·  49:32  ·  Mar 31, 2021


Gardens, Yardens, Permaculture, Composting, Plant Medicine, Everything Earth Tribe, Conscious Birthing, Raising Earth Guardians, Low Waste, Earth Based Learning, Goddess Gatherings, Singing and Songwriting, Books to Raise Awareness. “Let our children guide us hOMe & May we guide them to guard ours.”- Brielle MurchBrielle Murch is an Earth Activist, Loving Mama, Passionate Wisdom Keeper of all things Earth and Permaculture, who is enriched with Knowledge of how to Honor all Life as Sacred and gives Reverence to the Cycles of Life. Her Amazing Gift of Soulful Song Writing and Singing is so Healing and Cathartic to listen to. She Plays Music on her Guitar and Hand Drum regularly in South Florida. Brielle is the Founder of ‘Everything Earth Tribe’, an Organization that hosts Plant- Based Health Workshops, Vegan Potlucks, Low - Waste Living Workshops, Permaculture Classes, Promotes Conscious CommUNITY, hosts Backyard Market Vending Events, Offers Services of Food Forest Design / Installation, Serving Products of Edible & Indoor Plants as well as many Plant Medicines and Fungi Medicine. Everything Earth Tribe An organization dedicated to bringing forth connection within our community through plant-based living, spirituality and environmental awareness.Stay up to date on any Workshops, Events, Music and Offerings Brielle and her Organization ‘Everything Earth Tribe’ is hosting as well as her Etsy page where you can find all sorts of Garden Plants and Plant Medicine- all in the link below: https://linktr.ee/everythingearthtribeThe music for the intro and outro was produced specifically for this podcast series by Spaceship Earth - Ashton Robertson. Thank you Ashton! Find Spaceship Earth’s music here: https://fanlink.to/SpaceshipEarthPhoto Art by: Maya Sierra Checkout more from Cosmic Earth Wellness at https://www.bringme2life.com/cosmicearth

49m 32s  ·  Mar 31, 2021

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