About Payal Panwar
Listen to Payal Panwar songs online. Download top songs of Payal Panwar like Mhare Kaljiya Ri Kor, Nimbada Shyam Ke Chala Balam, Godiya Lal Khelado Dev, Thane Kuni Bulaya Re Byaiji Laadla and Sat Guru Sa Prem Pyalo Payo Re.
Listen to Payal Panwar songs online. Download top songs of Payal Panwar like Mhare Kaljiya Ri Kor, Nimbada Shyam Ke Chala Balam, Godiya Lal Khelado Dev, Thane Kuni Bulaya Re Byaiji Laadla and Sat Guru Sa Prem Pyalo Payo Re.