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You Know I’m Right, Episode 196: Big Brother's Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli

You Know I'm Right

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Episode  ·  1:16:20  ·  Sep 14, 2022


On the 196th episode of You Know I’m Right, Nick Durst and Joe Calabrese are joined by Big Brother reality star, Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli for an exclusive interview to discuss: - What was it like growing up on Staten Island? - What sports did he play? - Where did he go to school? - What did he study in college? - How did he get into coaching college football? - Favorite food spots on Staten Island? - Audition process for Big Brother? - Reaction to being casted for Big Brother? - How challenging was it to shower and go to the bathroom in the Big Brother house? - Why does everyone when voting for eviction compliment Julie on how she looks? - Who from Pooch's season of Big Brother can he see himself having a friendship with for years to come? Are there any other reality stars that have reached out to Pooch since he got evicted? - Could more reality tv be in your future? - What is next for Pooch? - Will Pooch be joining Nick and Joe's men's softball team in the future? - You Know I'm Right moment

1h 16m 20s  ·  Sep 14, 2022

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