Unbound with Mamtaa
Season 1 EpisodesNewest
A space curated for real stories of people from different walks of life, who have sailed through uncharted waters and lived to tell their inspiring stories. UnBound is a deep dive into their journeys to unravel, unearth, and uncover various facets of their lives, as they remain unstoppable and continue to do the unthinkable. Athletes, Artists, Authors, Activists, Change Makers, Creators, Corporate Honchos, Entrepreneurs, Harvard Graduates, Home Makers, Thought Leaders, Technologists turned Spiritualists, and galore. On the show the guests open up about their life with the host; a well-known PR and Communication Advisor -Mamtaa Dhingra, while listeners get to discover nuggets of wisdom that will nudge them to live unbound too. What makes them jump and jive? Who inspires them? What's their chutzpah and where do they get it from? Their darkest fears, deepest vulnerabilities, biggest unlearning et al, this freestyle tete -a-tete is an unleashing of many things that are hidden and beyond the bounds of the ordinary. Outside the territory of bound-up life, there is an unconventional path to self-discovery. Come, explore, and unbound! Connect with the host Mamtaa at: LinkedIn Twitter Instagram Facebook Want to share your journey to self-discovery on UnBound? Just drop a mail at: mamta.dhingra13@gmail.com ; unboundwithmamtaa@gmail.com
1 Season
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