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Tag Team Challenge - Final

Jon Senior's FunkQuest

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Episode  ·  16:42  ·  Jan 22, 2021


The FunkQuest Tag ​Team Challenge Final proved to be as entertaining as promised, with Barb Braendlein and Phil Pelucha facing up to their opponants Ann Smith and Leana Delle.Barb was first to chose from the FunKQuest Board and choosing the '​Ballerina feet' meant that Phil had to answer the question - "What job would an octopus be good at?" ​His answer 'a Chef' especially with all the pots it would have to fling aroundAnn as head of the pink team chose Leana to answer the question - "What are you embarressed about being good at?" ​ Not being embarressed but being 'looked down upon' Lean​a found it difficult to show off her handyman skills to men​.Question 2 and B​arb chose the 'Pegs' icon. She says she has a 'mental escape hatch' when she finds herself wishing she was somewhere else.Ann Chose the 'Horse' Icon and revealed that she drinks 4 pints of water a day, which is a very ​healthy thing to do.​Phil was chosen by Barb to answer the third question. He would never 'accidentally' steal something. He describes himself as a '​Wisdom Magpie' - only good if you never actually use the wisdom on the person you got it from.Lean​a has; learnt how to draw using charcoal, learnt how to stop it smearing, learnt how to package her pictures and learnt how to use her payment app. Just in this last week?Question 4 was answered by Barb for her team. She chose the 'Hedgehog' icon and we found out that she doesn't like to yell - at leat not at people - but inanimate objects beware!Ann doesn't like to show her age but the most historic things she has seen in her lifetime gives us an idea.Barb generously gave, the final question for her team, to Phil to answer. His love of chicken meant that the animal he would bring back from extinction was the DoDo. He really loves his chicken!Question 5 for the pink team and Ann passed the question about books to her author friend Leana to answer (of course). Leanas' love of a certain author, while not reading each of his book 5 times, ​she had bought and read all his books in Hardback

16m 42s  ·  Jan 22, 2021

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