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Season 3 - Semi Final 1 - Barb Braendlein v Lisa Fey

Jon Senior's FunkQuest

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Episode  ·  16:50  ·  Nov 13, 2020


FunkQuest - Season 3 - SemiFinal 1 Barb Braendlein v Lisa Fey​In this, the first Semi - Final of FunkQuest Season 3, both Barb and Lisa, ​are fighting to maintain their unbeaten status. However, only one of them can reach the final!Lisa answered question 1 after choosing the 'glasses of wine' icon. With no experience of the job she was assigned, after a great interview, to a boss who was really too busy to help his struggling apprentice.Barb confessed that, because of her broken foot and having to walk with crutches, the most exciting thing that was happening at the moment was being able to wash her hair.Lisa explained in her ​Question 2 that the thing that 'makes here roll her eyes' was someone saying 'Yes, but...' in answer to a request. The 'but' is usually a big one Why not just say no.Barb ​is not going to be jumping anywhere at the moment and especially not the ​queue, but she is not a queue jumper anyway. It ​annoys her when cars go fast to get in front of the line and try to merge in.​The place Lisa would love to visit is one of the areas of the world which still contain Gorilla families, in the hope that she can get close while they ignore her.Barb chose the 'Shoes' icon for her third question, '​Which planet would you like to visit?' and not being that ambitious to go anywhere out of this world, staying on Earth works for her​.​We can stop using more than we need, by not buying more than we need. Lisa has a great ​wardrobe idea and a way to give stuff away.Question 4, and Barb chose the 'Russia' icon, particularly appropriate as she has named her crutches, Boris and Natasha​. In answer to the question asked, she would like to invite her n​eighbours over for a drink as long as it's not alcoholic.​Lisa chose the​'Paint' icon for her final question. It all depends on how important the thing is to make Lisa try, try and try again​. And if she can't do it she is not afraid to ​'Phone a friend'.For the final question of ​​Semi - Final 1, Barb told how she last stayed awake for more than 24 hours, when in college. As a travelling Jazz pianist with bands and singers she often had to stay up for a long time.

16m 50s  ·  Nov 13, 2020

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