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Reconnecting with Your Body: Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, with Kaitlyn Vitozzi

Once Shattered: Picking up the Pieces

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Episode  ·  59:46  ·  Sep 14, 2023


Kaitlyn Vittozzi of Rochester, NY is a C-IAYT Yoga Therapist who specializes in chronic pain relief, stress-reduction, and perinatal struggles. A SUNY Albany School of Business graduate, she is no stranger to corporate stress and the physical ache that working and striving for the next big thing all the time can leave on a body. Kaitlyn began teaching in 2014, taking yoga teacher training as a healthy summer hobby. Soon after teaching, she recognized that people left class happy, and that their mood was uplifted, and she realized they had left life’s stressors behind. Kaitlyn went on to study yoga therapy with Phoenix Rising to help people use the tools of yoga to enhance their whole life, rather than just an hour per day.Yoga is an ancient practice not just based on the postures we see in magazines, but on eight holistic limbs and Kaitlyn hopes to highlight this with the individuals, couples and groups she works with. Clients learn to improve their relationship with physical, mental, and emotional tensions that show up in their bodies. Kaitlyn began teaching for KMB for Answers in 2021 and has studied Yoga for Eating Disorders. She also teaches paddleboard yoga and writes for Rochester Woman Online. She loves spending her downtime with her dog.As a yoga therapist, Kaitlyn’s goal is to help you discover long-term relief and a happier mind, body, and spirit.For more info or to schedule a free phone consultation, visit PenfieldYogaTherapy.Com. https://tozziyoga.com/Our Hosts: · Linda and John(Jack) Mazur founded a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization in 2022, in memory of their daughter, Emilee, which provides peer support groups and social connection for adults with eating disorders and their loved ones. In addition, they speak at schools, colleges, and conferences to educate our community about the serious nature of eating disorders.For more information go to: www.TheEmileeConnection.com They authored the book, Emilee: The Story of a Girl and Her Family Hijacked by Anorexia, to honor their daughter’s wish, to raise awareness, evoke compassion, and foster change in how eating disorders are viewed and treated.Ellen Bennett is the director of KMB for Answers, a non-profit charity providing educational and financial support for mental health professionals as well as assistance for families in search of resources. For more information about Ellen Bennett and the foundation founded in memory of her daughter Katlyn, go to: www.Kmbforanswers.com BooksPaperback: and Kindle:https://www.amazon.com/Emilee-Story-Family-Hijacked-Anorexia/dp/170092012X · Audiobook:https://www.amazon.com/Emilee-Story-Family-Hijacked-Anorexia/dp/B08R6LRPDS They can also be reached through the book website: https://emileethestoryofagirl.com or at Linda.john.mazur@gmail.com

59m 46s  ·  Sep 14, 2023

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