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Elite Athlete with Anorexia now Researcher, Clinician, Educator, PhD Candidate-Jacqueline Patmore

Once Shattered: Picking up the Pieces

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Episode  ·  54:21  ·  Aug 18, 2022


Jackie Patmore's involvement in the eating disorders field spans multiple roles of researcher, educator, clinician and patient advocate. Before occupying these roles, however, it was her personal experience of developing anorexia as an elite volleyball player when she was 14 years old that ignited her desire to enter the field in the first place. As a patient, Jackie was subject to care that lacked an evidence base, was nearly impossible to access, and was void of cultural sensitivity. Early awareness of these and other gaps in treating and understanding eating disorders drove her to harness her own experience, education, and professional pursuits to improve conditions and treatment options for eating disorder sufferers. As a researcher at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, Jackie was involved with studies that implemented evidence-based treatments for eating disorders in clinical settings. She assisted in the creation of online Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) interventions and assisted in projects providing Family Based Treatment for children with Anorexia and Binge Eating disorder. Additionally, Jackie helped to establish Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) as a primary treatment for eating disorders, depression and anxiety in university clinics nationwide.Jackie has worked in a variety of mental health treatment centers including private and hospital-based, outpatient and inpatient eating disorder clinics. Throughout her time in clinical practice, she has also been involved in advocacy efforts to increase insurance and federal coverage of eating disorder treatments in Missouri, Texas, and New York. Jackie has also lectured and taught course sections at Columbia University, Hunter College, and NYU. She enjoys teaching on the topics of eating disorders, evidence-based interventions, and dynamic forms of psychotherapy. Currently, Jackie is a PhD candidate at Columbia University’s Clinical Psychology Program and manages the Somatic Expressions of Pain Lab, supervising master's students on research initiatives related to sexual abuse, trauma, substance use, self-injury, and eating disorders. Her lab has presented at international conferences and published studies related to lying and deception about issues of eating and body image in treatment, cultural considerations for the treatment of eating disorders, and the use of peer supports in the treatment of eating disorders. Our Hosts: · Linda and John(Jack) Mazur founded a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization in 2022, in memory of their daughter, Emilee, which provides peer support groups and social connection for adults with eating disorders and their loved ones. In addition, they speak at schools, colleges, and conferences to educate our community about the serious nature of eating disorders.For more information go to: www.TheEmileeConnection.com They authored the book, Emilee: The Story of a Girl and Her Family Hijacked by Anorexia, to honor their daughter’s wish, to raise awareness, evoke compassion, and foster change in how eating disorders are viewed and treated. Ellen Bennett is the director of KMB for Answers, a non-profit charity providing educational and financial support for mental health professionals as well as assistance for families in search of resources. For more information about Ellen Bennett and the foundation founded in memory of her daughter Katlyn, go to: www.Kmbforanswers.com BooksPaperback: and Kindle:https://www.amazon.com/Emilee-Story-Family-Hijacked-Anorexia/dp/170092012X · Audiobook:https://www.amazon.com/Emilee-Story-Family-Hijacked-Anorexia/dp/B08R6LRPDS They can also be reached through the book website: https://emileethestoryofagirl.com or at Linda.john.mazur@gmail.com

54m 21s  ·  Aug 18, 2022

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