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E128: The Power of Purpose: Honoring Graduating Seniors; Aidan Rossi, Warren JFK

Spanning the Need

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Episode  ·  17:30  ·  May 23, 2023


Amidst the excitement of graduation, many high school seniors find themselves pondering a fundamental question: They have dedicated years of hard work, determination, and sacrifice to achieve the highest academic honors in their graduating class. However, their journey is not just about earning a high GPA, but it's about the lessons they have learned, the challenges they have faced, and the impact they have made on their school and community. In this interview, we will explore the inspiring journey of a K-12 graduating seniors and the lessons they can share to inspire others. We share this with Aidan Rossi from John F. Kennedy Catholic School located in Warren, Ohio.Read More about Aidan at: https://spanningtheneed.com.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/spanning-the-need--4558982/support.

17m 30s  ·  May 23, 2023

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