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Children in Conflict with Law


Episode   ·  12 Plays

Episode  ·  12 Plays  ·  42:00  ·  Sep 18, 2022


On the MISSING podcast this week, we’re taking a look at the subject of sexual delinquency and children in conflict with law. Sharing their insights on this episode are Puneeta Roy, Founder Trustee of The Yuva Ekta Foundation, who has been working with young people in conflict with law for over a decade, and cyber psychologist and psychotherapist Nirali Bhatia, who is well known for analysing online behaviour, counselling cybercrime victims and creating awareness on cyber bullying. They tell us more about what goes on in the minds of these young offenders, what is triggering this kind of violent sexual behaviour in adolescents, whether juvenile detention centres and remand homes offer effective rehabilitation solutions, and discuss an important question – are we too quick to cast judgement and blame these children for offences that clearly have its roots embedded deep in our society? Trigger Warning: Please note, this episode contains themes and depictions of sexual violence and human trafficking that may be disturbing to listeners. Listener discretion is advised.   If you or someone you know needs help, resources and more information about the work of the Missing Link Trust are available at www.savemissinggirls.com. Get in touch with them by sending an email to reachus@savemissinggirls.com. And follow the Missing Link Trust on Instagram & Twitter @missingirls.   CREDITS: A podcast series by the Missing Link Trust Host and Executive Producer: Leena Kejriwal Opening Story Narrated by Rahul Ram Writers: Mae Mariyam Thomas, Niranjana Sivaram, Devleena Chakraborty & Husein Haveliwala This is a Maed in India production. Audio Engineer & Editor - Kartik Kulkarni Producer - Mae Mariyam Thomas Assistant Producer - Husein Haveliwala Show Artwork - Alika Gupta Episode Artwork - Bhaswati Bose

42m   ·  Sep 18, 2022

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