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6: Find the Spine

The Magic of Kanab Podcast

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Episode  ·  23:10  ·  Oct 20, 2022


Today we talk with Kaisi Grow and Camille Johnson-Taylor about Find the Spine, a treasure hunt hosted by Grow Chiropractic and other local sponsors. Discover what it's like to participate in the hunt in an interview between Hal and Find the Spine Winner Shayden Troy, and why a great way to get to know the Kanab area! Follow Visit Kanab on social media! Website Instagram YouTube Twitter Facebook The Magic of Kanab is a part of the Destination Marketing Podcast Network. It is hosted by Hal Johnson and produced by the team at Relic. To learn more about the Destination Marketing Podcast Network and to listen to our other shows, please visit https://thedmpn.com/. If you are interested in becoming a part of the network, please email adam@relicagency.com.

23m 10s  ·  Oct 20, 2022

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