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Why Do People Die

Everyone Dies

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Episode  ·  34:30  ·  May 26, 2021


Children have questions about everything. This week Dr. Marianne Matzo is talking with William the Fifth and his mother Lorilei about why people die, how people die (William talks a bit about bayonets and the American Revolution), and what happens after death. William is fascinated with zombies and Michael Jacksons’ “Thriller” video, so, our interview includes the evolution of zombies.A resource to help you talk to children about death is Everyone Dies and yes, it is normal (Vanitas Press, 2020). This book offers a clear, communicable paradigm regarding why death happens and does not shy away from the fact that death is a natural part of life. It offers children and adults in their lives a simple way to talk about death.We are working to normalize death starting with very young children so that we can prevent/reduce fear of mortality. This book can help inform this agenda, but more importantly, helps families with children who are grieving and lack the tools to help their children understand what is happening. For more information and contact: https://bit.ly/2Sv1tn3Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/everyone-dies--4495229/support.

34m 30s  ·  May 26, 2021

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