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The Sukuma Tribe

Tribes of Africa

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Episode  ·  3:00  ·  Jan 20, 2023


Tanzania’s largest tribal group is the Sukuma, a Bantu group of around 5.5 million people that lives in the north of the country and around the southern shores of Lake Victoria. The name “Sukuma” actually means “north” and is used in reference to the “people of the north”. While the majority live in rural areas, some also inhabit cities, particularly Mwanza and Shinyanga where they’ve adapted to modern life.Traditionally, the Sukuma worshipped the spirits of their ancestors, believing that they contribute to the health of living family members, however, many now practice Christianity. They’re a predominantly matriarchal society, although polygamy is still a standard practice amongst many Sukuma.

3m   ·  Jan 20, 2023

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