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The perils of being a aging black male in America

The Cage Show

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Episode  ·  11:41  ·  Aug 14, 2023


Ah yes, the perils, or downfalls, of being a aging black male in America, especially if have to do so alone, as in single, and or without a support system.Everyone is gunning for you and everyone forever sees you as 'the threat' or 'a threat' to their safety and physical well being.Everything bad always and will forever be blammed on the black male.All other criminals ignored, the Mexican Cartel, other foreign cartels, European crime rings, internet ones, and so forth, every other criminal group gets ignored, and all eyes, cameras, continually point towards the street level black dude as being the biggest threat to the world, and you know what, it's working.so if a older good behaving, law abiding black male, don't ever expect things to get better for you, not ever, especially with the rise of social media, where you'll forever be lumped in with 15 year olds mob flashing stores, who then hand it off to sophisticated international crime syndicates, who never get blamed.Sadly the negative stereotypes will never end, as when younger, was dumb enough to think they would.Listen to the podcast and see if you agree, if not, feel free to leave a comment.

11m 41s  ·  Aug 14, 2023

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