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The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)

Dropped Culture

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Episode  ·  59:40  ·  May 5, 2022


Hey gang!Last November, the fellas did a Thankskilling Special where they covered a few realistic movies about nuclear attacks. With the unfortunate events taking place in the Ukraine and the current geopolitical climate, these shows have gathered more viewership in recent months. While Dan and Brock hate the circumstances, they have found a silver lining with some insightful conversations and a few recommendations for adjacent movies from our listeners.Which brings us to The Day the Earth Caught Fire. While not a traditional nuclear holocaust movie, this film pulls on history and paints a new picture on how atomic/nuclear weapons can take out humanity!Thank you for the recommendation, RSEFX!Never leave atomic bombs where children can reach them.As always, you can check out our website: www.droppedculture.com and message us directly there.If social media's your gig, you can hit us up on Twitter: @DroppedCulture or on Facebook and Instagram: @droppedculturepodcast!If none of those are great options for you, you can send us an old fashioned email to:droppedculturepodcast@gmail.com.Thanks for the listen!

59m 40s  ·  May 5, 2022

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