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[Sidebar] The Most Powerful First Lady in History

D Listers of History

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Episode  ·  9:04  ·  Mar 25, 2024


What happened when a US President was unable to discharge the duties of his office? The answer to this is absolutely bonkers and is worth exploring today.Keep the conversation going on our NEW Substack! (You don't need to belong to Substack to read or subscribe!)Thank you to April Keez for the use of the songs "Misfit" and "Grow Up" from the Album Mountainview. Find her album on Bandcamp.Audio drop from Woodrow Wilson's 1923 Armistice Day Radio AddressClip Transcription:Although the stimulating memories of that happy time of triumph are forever marred and embittered for us by the shameful fact that when victory was won, be it remembered- chiefly by the indomitable spirit and ungrudging sacrifices of our own incomparable soldiers- we turned our backs upon our associates and refused to bear any responsible part in the administration of peace, or the firm and permanent establishment of the results of the war- won at so terrible a cost of life and treasure-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~www.DListersofHistory.comD Listers of History on ThreadsD Listers of History on TikTokD Listers of History on InstagramSupport us on Patreon!Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

9m 4s  ·  Mar 25, 2024

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