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She Ain't Heavy...


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Episode  ·  54:51  ·  Jan 6, 2023


Welcome back to another Jabbology! I've been so busy with the other shows and all the other side projects, that sometimes things get shuffled. I'm hglad this was though, cause it allowed time for this episode to happen. After months and months of planning and trying, I finally get to have my big sis on the show. We both have two strong personalities and it madee for a great discussion on life and parenting. I get to pick my sister's brain on her unwavering faith in God, rasining a child as a sinlge parent, and what the dreaded "empty nest" tag means for her. You wanted deep, you got it. lol. It's anotherr look at those I love and what make me tick. It's a very personal episode, so I hope you enjoy it.

54m 51s  ·  Jan 6, 2023

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