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Season 2 ep. 1- Getting the Band back together - 10:28:21, 6.31 PM

Talkin Spit 831

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  36:55  ·  Nov 7, 2021


What a time to be alive! Sports are in full effect, as the TSP boyz discuss the NBA, NFL and how their teams are progressing. Tee and Jay gloat, as the Warriors get revenge against the Lakers, after last year's devastating loss in the play in. How do the fellas see their respective teams finishing the season? How will the vaccine affect the world? People are refusing to get the shot, and are risking their livelihood as a result. What did we learn during this pandemic? Are people willing to ever go back to work, or have they figured out a way to make a living without having to live the "hamster wheel" life. Find out what the fellas have to say....next!

36m 55s  ·  Nov 7, 2021

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