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S4 E3: The Prayer Room with Brad Stroup

Grace Talks

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Episode  ·  56:13  ·  Apr 12, 2022


Daily Kairos sponsors today's episode. To get your copy of the Daily Kairos Journal, go to:https://dailykairos.com/derrick-marshallBrad and his wife, Amy, have three children and reside in Arlington. As the director, Brad teaches, helps cast vision for night-and-day prayer, and works closely with the Senior Staff (TPR’s Leadership Team) to run the various aspects of our base and mandates. In September 2005 the Lord spoke to Brad to “start a daily prayer meeting tomorrow morning at 5 a.m. and don't stop until I come back.” In response, he rallied a group of his friends to begin corporate prayer meetings the very next morning and has been doing 5 a.m. prayer seven days a week since that day. He has a vision to see tens of thousands of believers in the DFW region meeting daily in corporate prayer expressions all over the city praying for revival and preparing for Jesus’ return.You can find more information about Brad and the Prayer Room at www.tprdfw.com or @tprdfw on Instagram and Facebook.

56m 13s  ·  Apr 12, 2022

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