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S3 EP7 The Doomed Franklin Expedition

A Killer Podcast

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  1:07:07  ·  Oct 7, 2022


In this episode, Freya tells you all about one of the biggest mysteries of the 19th Century –the 1845 Franklin expedition to find the fabled Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic region. Sadly, this voyage did not end in victory but endless questions about what really happened to the 129 men onboard, including details of their grizzly fate as they reached heights of unimaginable desperation. In the burning questions segment, Amy does not shy away from answering what happens to a body in ice posthumously and Freya talks about why we all love a good mystery.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/a-killer-podcast--4697592/support.

1h 7m 7s  ·  Oct 7, 2022

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