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S2 EP-07: Who should I vote for President this year? It's not about the Economy!! (October 29, 2020)

Practical Catholic

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Episode  ·  59:43  ·  Oct 29, 2020


If you are asking the question, who should I vote for President this year, I totally understand. This presidential election is really tough to decide on who to vote for. On the one side, we have president Trump who is pitching the economy, "Law & order," relationships with foreign nations to bring peace, and minimizing the COVID-19 pandemic to open the economy. You have Vice-President Biden, who is pitching a better and universal healthcare, a solution about racism and underprivileged, and protection from COVID-19 Pandemic. I agree with both Candidates. So now what?Hello, everyone. Today's, episode is about helping you select the best presidential candidate. This is not a voter's guide, but an understanding and prioritizing of the issues to help select the best presidential candidate. This is not about Republican or Democrat or Socialism Vs Capitalism, but a true understanding of the issues and how to weigh each issue based on a real objective and prioritized criteria and not based on our feelings or emotions or some special interest. Not theoretical, but practical; real life Catholic advice from Practical Catholic. 29-Oct-2020

59m 43s  ·  Oct 29, 2020

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