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Ripple Effects of Eating Disorders and Essential Sibling Support with Kym Piekunka

Once Shattered: Picking up the Pieces

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Episode  ·  49:17  ·  Dec 8, 2022


As a lived-experience professional, Kym is passionate to provide siblings who have a brother or sister with an eating disorder the acknowledgment, connection, and resources they have never been afforded. To highlight this need, she has collaborated alongside clinicians, researchers, and organizations for over a decade. In 2018 she co-created a sibling needs survey with Bridget Whitlow LMFT, that has reached over 500 siblings around the world. The survey has continued to bring the sibling experience to light. That same year KymAdvocates.com was created to allow a space for siblings to share their experiences, stories, and perspectives. Along with these incredible interviews Kym’s had the privilege to educate and support hundreds of siblings and parents which has led to the Sibling Support Series. Based on the series feedback, she is developing a course for parents and siblings. Stay tuned! Kym currently serves as a Community Advisor for Equip and Co-Chair for the Academy for Eating Disorders Expert by Experience Committee. The Links for today’s show and for our hosts will be in the show notes. Links for Kym:Kymadvocates.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/kymadvocates/Facebook: www.facebook.com/kymadvocates Sibling Stories & VideosSibling Survey OverviewOur Hosts: · Linda and John(Jack) Mazur founded a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization in 2022, in memory of their daughter, Emilee, which provides peer support groups and social connection for adults with eating disorders and their loved ones. In addition, they speak at schools, colleges, and conferences to educate our community about the serious nature of eating disorders.For more information go to: www.TheEmileeConnection.com They authored the book, Emilee: The Story of a Girl and Her Family Hijacked by Anorexia, to honor their daughter’s wish, to raise awareness, evoke compassion, and foster change in how eating disorders are viewed and treated.Ellen Bennett is the director of KMB for Answers, a non-profit charity providing educational and financial support for mental health professionals as well as assistance for families in search of resources. For more information about Ellen Bennett and the foundation founded in memory of her daughter Katlyn, go to: www.Kmbforanswers.com BooksPaperback: and Kindle:https://www.amazon.com/Emilee-Story-Family-Hijacked-Anorexia/dp/170092012X · Audiobook:https://www.amazon.com/Emilee-Story-Family-Hijacked-Anorexia/dp/B08R6LRPDS They can also be reached through the book website: https://emileethestoryofagirl.com or at Linda.john.mazur@gmail.com

49m 17s  ·  Dec 8, 2022

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