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Rigid Religion Vs Flexible Heart

Rain In A Bucket: Devotional With Toyosi

Episode   ·  2 Plays

Episode  ·  2 Plays  ·  2:08  ·  Nov 11, 2020


WEEK 17: Day 4RIGID RELIGION VS FLEXIBLE HEARTMatthew 12:6-8"There is far more at stake here than religion. If you had any idea what this Scripture meant—'I prefer a flexible heart to an inflexible ritual'—you wouldn't be nitpicking like this. The Son of Man is no lackey to the Sabbath; he's in charge."Hmm... This scripture is one of the revelations that advice my walk in God. Before i found it out, i used to be so afraid to be wrong, so scared to change systems and too anxious to be caught inflexible.I certainly believed that God wanted His Children doing things some certain way. This should be discarded! Life with God is so unpredictable with a predictable foundation and end - so full of adventures and indeed fun with its beautiful surprises every now and then.Opportunities thrown your way arrayed like basic problems can only be unlocked by an heart that is flexible enough to say Yes to Him regardless of your plans.Plans are great! But better is a plan that is open to the switch of the Spirit to lead as He desires and dim fit only.If you insist on your rigid system, you lose out on better things due to a religion of 'this is how it has been done'. The experience of your past can't help with a future never lived by you or anyone else.Custom, culture and systems are good but better is a man solely led by God. His new ways and revelations each new day are as solid as it can be: don't confuse flexibility as a lack of direction - No! Consistency in His Character can never be disputed, however, don't put Him in a box: He wouldn't fit.I pray you allow your heart the ability to obey God at a whim of each move regardless of how it goes against your plan in Jesus name, amen. Rain in a bucket: Devotional with Toyosiwww.raininabucket.wordpress.com

2m 8s  ·  Nov 11, 2020

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