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Resilience, Burnout, and Inner Well Being

Soul Guided With Sookton

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Episode  ·  22:57  ·  May 26, 2023


In today's society, it is common to feel overwhelmed by multiple responsibilities, constant connection to technology and daily demands. We find ourselves caught in an endless cycle of tasks and commitments, not realizing that we are losing touch with ourselves and what really matters. This constant wear and tear can lead to burnout and negatively affect our physical and emotional health.In this chapter Dr. Eva Selhub and I will explore how to cultivate mindful presence in our daily lives. We will highlight the importance of paying full attention to the present moment, allowing us to fully enjoy each experience and connection that comes our way. We will discover practical strategies for disconnecting from distractions and learning to prioritize our well-being.In addition, we will explore the power of resilience and the inner strength we all possess. Through inspiring stories of people who have faced significant adversity, we will learn how they have used their determination and resilience to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. We will examine the tools and techniques they used to rebuild their lives and find a new perspective full of hope and growth.

22m 57s  ·  May 26, 2023

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