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Re-Release: New Girl

TV. Watch. Repeat.

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Episode  ·  59:54  ·  Apr 27, 2022


While you wait for a new episode of 'TV. Watch. Repeat.,' enjoy this vintage episode about 'New Girl'! What's that pilot... what's that pilot... it's 'New Girl,' the 2011 series that introduced the world to instantly iconic characters like Schmidt and Nick Miller, and instantly iconic lingo. (Hello, "chut-e-ney.") But 'New Girl' might have given us a completely different set of characters, based on the pitch doc co-hosts Allison Piwowarski and Kate Ward dug up for creator Liz Meriwether's "Chicks and Dicks." Plus, learn about the behind-the-scenes drama from the Prince episode, the most difficult character to cast, and why Kate's issuing a major mea culpa at the top of the episode.

59m 54s  ·  Apr 27, 2022

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