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Questions & Answers with Swami Nirmalananda from September

Light of the Spirit Podcast

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Episode  ·  1:04:55  ·  Oct 5, 2023


At our monthly online Satsangs (the first Saturday of each month–sign up here to get notices, and much more) there are many more questions that can be answered in an hour. So we are going to be regularly posting answers to the extra questions. Here are Swami Nirmalananda’s answers to the questions left over after the September Satsang. You can listen to the audio podcast or watch the Youtube videos below. To see previous satsangs, visit our Video Satsang page. The post Questions & Answers with Swami Nirmalananda from September appeared first on Original Christianity and Original Yoga.

1h 4m 55s  ·  Oct 5, 2023

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