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Paranormal Happenings in State Parks


Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  1:03:23  ·  Oct 16, 2023


The United States' National Parks conceal unsettling mysteries and unsolved crimes that continue to elude both the curious and the brave, beyond their stunning landscapes and serene vistas. These stories cover a wide range of the unexplained, from the depths of untamed wilderness to the center of supposedly tranquil parklands. We'll follow the terrifying trails of unsolved homicides that have perplexed detectives, where danger and darkness triumphed over innocence and joy. Here you will find ghosts, UFOs and people who have inexplicably disappeared without a trace. You will be lured into the unexplored by cryptid sightings that are a mix of legend and fact. As you consider the thin line dividing the living from the lingering, eerie echoes from the past will give you the chills. Although the truth may be elusive, the journey is sure to be one to remember. So gather up your drinks and snacks and sit back and get comfy because your journey through the mystique of US National Parks is about to begin.

1h 3m 23s  ·  Oct 16, 2023

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