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Money, Banking, Economic Collapse, Totalitarianism and the Fundamental Battle for Freedom Part 2

The Lost Art Of Liberty

Episode   ·  2 Plays

Episode  ·  2 Plays  ·  21:41  ·  Apr 17, 2023


Love of money my be the root of all evil but money is the foundation of civilization. Understanding money, what it is, and then banking, why it is important and how it has been perverted, are the keys to understanding everything going on from inflation and bank collapses to CBDCs and why they will spell the end of all freedom. Is a CBDC even money? How do they work and why are they so evil? What is the solution and how do money and banking work in a free society? If you want to know what is coming and what to do about it, part two is a must listen.

21m 41s  ·  Apr 17, 2023

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