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Mike's Haunted House And The TAT Paranormal Team

Ghosts In The Valley

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Episode  ·  1:18:55  ·  Oct 31, 2022


Mike and his wife invited me to do a walk through of his haunted house. They live approximately 65 miles south of me. I got lost along the way. I had my GPS on but it kept going in and out on me. It took me through dirt backroads with no street signs. Eventually iI made it to Mike's house.I believe Mike's house was built in the late 1700's. It was moved from it's original location to where it sits today by a team of horses. I personally believe the house was either originally haunted or they sat it on Indian Burial Grounds. While in the house, there was a shadow person behind me. There was a shadow person behind Mike. I got extremely ill while I was in the house. A huge energy field inside the house. My cell phone screen cracked, split into 4 sections and upside down. While we were upstairs, you can actually hear a buzz from the energy on the recordings. We did the interview on Mike's front porch because I didn't feel safe inside the house. After I left, Mike contacted me and told me that he couldn't go back into his house for a couple of hours because the energy and heat inside the house was unbearable. I met Mike through a music site online. Mike is connected with a band Called Windigo Drifter. I liked them so much that I bought their CD;Windigo Drifterhttps://www.windigodrifter.com/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpwPwSU7eCkThe second part of the show is the T.A.T. Paranormal all female team. T.A.T. shares their stories, investigations, and their investigation from Mike's haunted house. T.A.T. invited on a paranormal investigation next year that I am going to take them up on. Thank you Tam, Angel, Tara, and Amanda for the interview.T.A.T. Paranormalhttps://www.facebook.com/TATparanormalinvestigators/https://www.tiktok.com/@t.a.t.girls_Do you have a paranormal story to share?cooley54@gmail.comwww.cooley54.wixsite.com/ghostsinthevalleyPlease rate and review this episode on Apple Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ghosts-in-the-valley/id1468748177Music By Energetic MusicArtwork By Cheryl Heath

1h 18m 55s  ·  Oct 31, 2022

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