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Manifest Highest Timeline of Abundance

The Architects of Destiny Podcast

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Episode  ·  39:14  ·  Nov 2, 2023


Join us in this enlightening episode as we uncover the secrets to manifesting your ultimate path of abundance. If you've ever found yourself stuck on the journey to creating your dream life, this episode is a must-listen.We start by demystifying the concept of timelines. Imagine them as the trajectory of your life, shaped by every choice you make. Your decisions send ripples into your future.Abundance isn't solely about wealth; it's the recipe for happiness. Picture it like baking a cake – money is just one ingredient. To craft a fulfilling life, you need a blend of elements, including robust health, harmonious relationships, purpose, and contentment. Your highest abundance timeline is living your dream life. But how do you reach it?The key is taking command of your energy to steer your reality. Your energetic signature must harmonize with the reality you aspire to. Transforming your reality entails reshaping your energetic imprint – and it transcends mere positive thinking. Numerous individuals face challenges with manifesting because it's not merely about thoughts giving rise to reality.Your body holds frequencies influenced by past traumas and experiences, extending across lifetimes and ancestral lineage. To manifest your peak abundance timeline, you must cleanse your energetic canvas.Materialize your ultimate timeline by purifying your energetic canvas. Eradicate past traumas, ancestral patterns, and distorted subconscious imprints.In the pursuit of ascending to higher abundance levels, brace yourself to confront and heal past wounds, whether they originate from your personal journey or ancestral roots.Feeling ready to embark on this profound journey? Delve into our Transcending Dimensions program, offering Galactic upgrades, Quantum tools, and our expert guidance to help you reach the realm of lasting abundance. Your potential to manifest your highest abundance timeline is within your grasp. Alter your energy, transform your life, and unlock the gateway to a future filled with boundless opportunities.In the Architects of Destiny Podcast hosted by Aeron Lazar & Riya Loveguard we bring together wisdom from Galactic Star Nations as well as very down-to-Earth, practical insights to accelerate your energetic mastery & spiritual growth trajectory. Every episode is jam packed with energetic tools you need to step into your divine role as an Architect of Destiny, to create the life of your desires and co-create the New Earth we can all be proud of.Access other episodes, podcast notes and other resources at: https://thearchitectsofdestiny.com/Listen on iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-architects-of-destiny-podcast/id1588194374?uo=4&at=1l3vwYf Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/6EAxqxbMWkCaIUDByxtXTU Google Podcasts https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvNTA3NDc0NC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk Podchaser https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/the-architects-of-destiny-podc-1977503 Podcast Addict https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/3634246FOLLOW AERON AND RIYA ONFACEBOOKThe Architects of Destiny Podcast https://www.facebook.com/thearchitectsofdestinyAeron Lazar https://www.facebook.com/aeron.lazarRiya Loveguard https://www.facebook.com/supstarseedINSTAGRAMThe Architects of Destiny Podcast https://www.instagram.com/thearchitectsofdestiny/Aeron Lazar https://www.instagram.com/aeron.lazar/Riya Loveguard https://www.instagram.com/superstarseed/TIKTOKThe Architects of Destiny Podcast https://www.tiktok.com/@architectsofdestiny?Aeron Lazar https://www.tiktok.com/@aeronlazarRiya Loveguard https://www.instagram.com/superstarseed/LINKEDINAeron Lazar https://www.linkedin.com/in/aeron-lazar-akashicrecords-arcturian-psychic/Riya Loveguard https://www.linkedin.com/in/riya-loveguard-lightlanguage

39m 14s  ·  Nov 2, 2023

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