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Living A Hundred Life Times

St. Andrews Jezebel Podcast

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Episode  ·  38:51  ·  Feb 2, 2023


This week we follow the musical journey of a husband and wife duo Mike and Maggie McKinney better known as Lucky Mud. From their early days performing in the Florida panhandle to their time in Nashville and back to Panama City, they share the evolution of their musical career. The duo also share their passion for songwriting and their commitment to acknowledging the songwriters behind the music they perform. They discuss their times playing at the Bayview Cafe in historic St. Andrews in the 1990s and the transformative moment that reignited their love for music. Lucky Mud shares their experiences touring the world and playing at pubs in Ireland, and their concert series at both Camp Helen and their own venue Maggie’s Musical Farm. In this episode, we will also delve into Lucky Mud's take on songs and poetry, and how these influences shape their music. Join us as we celebrate the story and sounds of Lucky Mud and their dedicated journey in Florida Folk music.

38m 51s  ·  Feb 2, 2023

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