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Live Show: Zac Wilkerson & Walt Wilkins

The Road Less Traveled

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  2:07:59  ·  Dec 9, 2020


The landscape of the Texas Music scene is beautiful, and it’s the amazing singer/songwriters that celebrate that beauty. Each one of these artists brings a wonderfully great perspective to the genre – each perspective is unique and powerful. Our two featured artists on this Road Less Traveled exemplify that. Walt Wilkins is a poet that can pierce your soul with one verse. Zac Wilkerson writes powerful blues ballads, filled with fire. The respect for each other’s music runs deep. That is why Drew Myers asked them to share the stage for one night at the Texan Theater in Greenville, Texas. Walt and Zac are both card-carrying members of the Defining Audacity Family. They have both been on The Road Less Traveled before.Zac Wilkerson: http://www.zacwilkersonmusic.com/Walt Wilkins: https://www.waltwilkins.com/Drew Myers: https://www.drewmyers.life/The Texan Theater: http://www.zacwilkersonmusic.com/Kincy Abstract and Sabine Title Company: https://www.kincy-sabine.com/index.htmMusic: https://www.purple-planet.com

2h 7m 59s  ·  Dec 9, 2020

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