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Joseph Jaffe on Transforming the Digital Landscape with Web 3.0 and Blockchain

The Lilach Bullock Show

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Episode  ·  38:10  ·  Jul 13, 2023


Immerse yourself in the riveting world of blockchain and Web 3.0 with Lilach Bullock, a seasoned digital marketing powerhouse, and her guest, Joseph Jaffe, a trailblazing entrepreneur, author, and blockchain enthusiast. This episode promises to take you on an enlightening journey, unpacking the transformational potential of Web 3.0, and revealing how it's poised to revolutionize our digital interactions.Delve into Joseph's extraordinary career trajectory, starting from a humble fast-food chain to being a pioneering force in the blockchain space. Decode the buzzwords - NFTs, cryptocurrency, shared ownership - and get to grips with the tangible value they bring to the table.Whether you're a tech-savvy professional, an intrigued business owner or simply curious about the digital revolution unfolding before our eyes, this conversation will equip you with invaluable insights, demystify complexities and, most importantly, ignite your imagination about the boundless possibilities of the digital future. Don't just observe the revolution - become a part of it. Tune in and let the learning begin!

38m 10s  ·  Jul 13, 2023

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