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Joanna Armstrong on From Stressed to Blessed – No Matter What

The Find Your Leadership Confidence Podcast with Vicki Noethling

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Episode  ·  29:26  ·  Jan 16, 2024


️ Unlock the secrets to lasting confidence and emotional liberation on the latest Find Your Leadership Confidence Podcast with host Vicki Noethling and transformational expert Joanna Armstrong. Discover Joanna's unique science-based technique, blending EFT-tapping, EMDR, and Positive Psychology, as she shares insights from 15 years of helping clients break free from stress, anxiety, and imposter syndrome. Dive into her book "Stop Stress and Worry" and explore the three simplest steps for deep joy and satisfaction in life and business. #LeadershipConfidence #EmotionalLiberation #PositivePsychology #StressFreeLiving #PodcastWisdom #TransformationalJourney

29m 26s  ·  Jan 16, 2024

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