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It's Time To Rethink Good and Evil

True Riches Radio

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Episode  ·  1:29:31  ·  Apr 10, 2023


What does the Bible say about good and evil?In this next video episode of the Rethink series, teacher/author Jerry Robinson tackles the topic of good and evil.Jerry begins with a basic review of God's good creation to reveal that God only does and makes "good" things. Next, he examines the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and provides a simple, but often overlooked, explanation for what the text is revealing to us about God's true nature.Later, Jerry explains what it means that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil by acknowledging the existence of "the evil one."This teaching uncovers the hidden tracks of "the evil one" throughout the scriptures and shows how God defeated the adversary's darkness with light.It will also challenge you to "rethink" what scripture reveals about good and evil and includes numerous insights and eye-opening details about God's eternal goodness.Learn more about Jerry Robinson and our ministry work at https://truerichesradio.com

1h 29m 31s  ·  Apr 10, 2023

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