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Is FMDV serotype C extinct: What can the data tell us? - S. R. Mielke


Episode   ·  3 Plays

Episode  ·  3 Plays  ·  1:38  ·  Oct 28, 2022


Seven serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) (O, A, C, SAT (1, 2, 3), and Asia 1) occur across seven regional virus pools. In each pool, the specific serotypes that circulate in the susceptible populations varies. Since 2004 there has been a noticeable absence of serotype C from recorded outbreak data. This serotype historically occurred across European countries, however the most recent cases (2004) occurred in pool 4 (Eastern Africa) and pool 7 (South America). Detailed reports from these outbreaks suggest the outbreak in pool 4 resulted from vaccine escape, while in pool 7 the outbreak resulted from natural infection in an isolated cattle population. Following these outbreaks, response measures were taken to address the vaccine quality and coverage in isolated populations. Now, with continued lack of serotype C detection, we are evaluating whether the available data and knowledge about FMD epidemiology can substantiate a claim of serotype C extinction.

1m 38s  ·  Oct 28, 2022

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