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Inception with Dr. Isaac Taitz: Consciousness, Dreaming, & Shame

Popcorn Psychology

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Episode  ·  1:48:21  ·  Sep 11, 2023


Stay awake! Because we are finally delving into the multilayered dream space of Inception! We are joined by a super knowledgable guest on therapeutic dreamwork: Dr. Isaac Taitz. We discuss the real components of dreams and consciousness demonstrated in this sci-fi movie. We also continue our discussions on grief, specifically when grief is tangled up in shame. Lastly, we answer the question: Can you really incept a person with an idea?? Where you can find Dr. Isaac Taitz:www.allmindhealth.comhttps://www.facebook.com/allmindhealthTwitter: @AllMindHealth1Instagram: @allmindhealthYoutube: @allmindhealthBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/popcorn-psychology--3252280/support.

1h 48m 21s  ·  Sep 11, 2023

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