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How My Business BLEW UP in Two Months | Behind the Brand

The Branding Lab

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Episode  ·  19:35  ·  Aug 2, 2021


Guess what, my business blew up in just two months of launching and I made over 6 figures with my launch. Actually, that's a lie, and it's a lie that is being fed to many entrepreneurs out there. The old narrative is that starting a business is hard. In fact, it takes at least 3 years for you to become profitable. But that has been replaced with a new narrative. A narrative that says that you can blow up your business in less than 6 months and easily make 6-figures, no problem. But the problem with that narrative is that it isn't telling the whole story. In this episode of Behind the Brand, we talk about how businesses just don't BLOW UP, and if they do, it's because of three very specific reasons.

19m 35s  ·  Aug 2, 2021

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