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Holigay Special: St. Nick

BSP: Believer Skeptic Podcast

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Episode  ·  46:41  ·  Nov 29, 2021


In the first holiday episode of the season, Chris and Cody talk about their favorite sexy bear: Santa Claus. First, Cody tells a really messed up story about a butcher who pickled children and were eventually thwarted by St. Nicholas. Then, Chris shares a UFO conspiracy theory, called Santa Claus, brought about by a former NASA employee who claimed a government cover-up. Next, Cody talks about the remains of St. Nicholas, bones that secrete a very special, healing substance. Finally, Chris discusses a crazy failed bank heist in Cisco, TX involving a man dressed as Santa. Drinks this week are Ménage à trois Gold Chardonnay and Cranberry Apple Cider Mocktail. Creep of the week is a skinwalker story by Araceli.

46m 41s  ·  Nov 29, 2021

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