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Heart Mojo with Melinda Smith (host) and Karen Hale (producer) talking Self Care 10_10_22

Heart Mojo with Melinda Smith

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Episode  ·  41:07  ·  Oct 11, 2022


Please subscribe to our youtube page to get notices on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. https://www.youtube.com/c/NewClevelandRadioTonight Melinda and Karen talk about the need for selfcare - too many (women) neglect themselves while placing their time and energy into work, family, and friends. However, we all have been told if we don't put out oxygen mask on first we may not be able to assist others. For many of us we are trying to wear the Super Woman Cape because we think it is expected of us...We need to change the paradigm - without selfcare we eventually become less valuable to others and we fail ourselves. Let's keep the dialogue going and let's make the changes we need to face our challenges and stop bleeding ourselves dry...Follow Melinda on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/melindasmithhearmojoContact newclevelandradio@gmail.com

41m 7s  ·  Oct 11, 2022

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