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Heart Mojo with Melinda Smith and her guests from Jewish Funerals USA (Cleveland) 9_28_22

Heart Mojo with Melinda Smith

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Episode  ·  54:09  ·  Sep 29, 2022


Please subscribe to our YouTube page to get notices' on all new podcasts as well helping us grow our audience. https://www.youtube.com/c/NewClevelandRadioHeart Mojo with podcast host Melinda Smith follows the journey of an individual (or individuals) on a journey. As a Cancer Survivor, Melinda empathetically reaches out through podcasting and other social media sites to embrace and create the awareness that we are not 'alone'. This segment took us down a path that many of us avoid to speak about - we all know we will die some day and yet we do not prepare for our departure as well as we do for other milestones in our life. Yes, death is a milestone and for those we leave behind we often leave a trail of confusion and un-needed anxiety.Welcome Benjamin, David, and Deanne, they share with us how their Funeral is different . Deanne serves as the Funeral Director for the two sided house, Kosher & Non-Kosher. The Jewish side follows the rules of Kashrut for the various sects of Judaism, (Preparation and care of the loved one, according to Jewish rituals.) The team at https://www.clevelandjewishfunerals.com/cleveland-jewish-funerals/ - shares that interfaith families can find their end of life needs met with professional care and acceptance - they take the time to know you (preplanning) and your family to lessen any burden of loss.This is a conversation we all must have -

54m 9s  ·  Sep 29, 2022

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