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Healing Body, Mind and Spirit with Jason

Once Shattered: Picking up the Pieces

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Episode  ·  51:23  ·  Jan 19, 2023


Jason was born in South Korea in 1970, only 18 years after the end of the Korean War. When Jason was 5 years old, his parents moved their family to the United States. Starting a new life with Jason and his two younger sisters in a foreign country and culture was a struggle for their whole family and Jason’s father developed alcoholism.Throughout Jason’s childhood, he experienced many of the challenges immigrants face when coming to the U.S., including racism, anger and separation. These experiences were both traumatic and deep seated. Everything was chaotic and unpredictable. During this time, Jason discovered that he could control one thing— his grades. Jason learned quickly that feeling in control and achieving was a way to get recognition and the praise of parents, teachers, and peers alike. He had no control over his environment, as his dad’s alcoholism dictated that the family move every 2-4 years. Jason never felt at home anywhere. He developed anxiety and depression at an early age which was undiagnosed until he was twenty-three. Jason developed a dependence on alcohol, endured broken relationships that have been devastating, experienced the painful death of loved ones, and has survived a traumatic automobile accident. He has explored many methods of healing including physical, mental/psychological, and spiritual. He attributes his work in the Twelve Steps of AA, embracing spirituality—especially in Eckhart Tolle’s teachings and the teachings of ACIM—A Course in Miracles—to his continuing recovery of body, mind, and spirit. Jason helps others by sharing his journey and by being a supportive friend to others who struggle. He currently lives on the East Coast of the US with his cats Jiji and Muta. Links Jason Recommends:Britney Shawley - ACIM + Spiritual Psychotherapy: www.miraclesofmind.caSeema Khaneja - ACIM + Spiritual Psychotherapy: https://coachingforinnerpeace.com/coaching-for-inner-peaceOur Hosts: · Linda and John(Jack) Mazur founded a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization in 2022, in memory of their daughter, Emilee, which provides peer support groups and social connection for adults with eating disorders and their loved ones. In addition, they speak at schools, colleges, and conferences to educate our community about the serious nature of eating disorders.For more information go to: www.TheEmileeConnection.com They authored the book, Emilee: The Story of a Girl and Her Family Hijacked by Anorexia, to honor their daughter’s wish, to raise awareness, evoke compassion, and foster change in how eating disorders are viewed and treated. Ellen Bennett is the director of KMB for Answers, a non-profit charity providing educational and financial support for mental health professionals as well as assistance for families in search of resources. For more information about Ellen Bennett and the foundation founded in memory of her daughter Katlyn, go to: www.Kmbforanswers.com BooksPaperback: and Kindle:https://www.amazon.com/Emilee-Story-Family-Hijacked-Anorexia/dp/170092012X · Audiobook:https://www.amazon.com/Emilee-Story-Family-Hijacked-Anorexia/dp/B08R6LRPDS They can also be reached through the book website: https://emileethestoryofagirl.com or at Linda.john.mazur@gmail.com

51m 23s  ·  Jan 19, 2023

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