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Gretchen Gordon - Transforming Sales Leadership

Selling From the Heart Podcast

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Episode  ·  34:37  ·  May 4, 2024


Gretchen Gordon is the author of "The Happy Sales Manager: Drive Sales, Lead Your Team with Ease, and Have Fun." She is the founder and CEO of Braveheart Sales Performance, a sales consulting and training firm. With over 30 years of experience in sales and sales management, Gretchen is passionate about helping sales leaders transform their roles and find happiness in their work. She is known for her practical advice and expertise in overcoming common sales management challenges.SHOW SUMMARYIn this episode, Larry Levine and Darrell Amy interview Gretchen Gordon, author of "The Happy Sales Manager." Gretchen shares her insights on how sales managers can find happiness and success in their roles. She emphasizes the importance of adopting a different mindset as a sales manager and focusing on the success of the team rather than individual achievements. Gretchen also discusses the challenges sales leaders face and provides practical advice for overcoming them. Listeners will gain valuable insights into effective sales management and learn how to build a high-performing and happy sales team.KEY TAKEAWAYSSales managers need to adopt a different mindset than that of a salesperson. They should focus on coaching, motivating, and inspiring their team members rather than trying to replicate their own success.It is important for sales managers to recognize that not everyone on their team will be like them. Each salesperson has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and it is the manager's role to understand and support them individually.Sales managers should resist the temptation to rescue their team members and instead focus on preparing them for success. By practicing and role-playing different scenarios, managers can build their team's confidence and enable them to handle sales calls effectively.Sales managers need to be willing to change and grow in their role. They should constantly assess their own strengths and weaknesses and be open to learning new strategies and approaches to sales management.Building trust and effective communication are key to successful sales management. Sales managers should create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their challenges and seeking guidance.QUOTES"Selling from the heart is just being a person talking to another person." - Gretchen Gordon"You have to focus on doing the uncomfortable or difficult things to enable the people on your team to execute at the highest level." - Gretchen GordonLearn more about Gretchen Gordon: Gretchen's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gretchengordonbraveheart/The Happy Sales Manager Website: https://www.thehappysalesmanager.com/Learn more about Darrell and Larry: Darrell's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrellamy/Larry's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/larrylevine1992/Website: https://www.sellingfromtheheart.net/Get the New Book That Will Help You Sell More... Without Destroying Your Relationships and Reputationhttps://sellinginaposttrustworld.com/home-prereleasePlease visit Barnes & Nobles to order your copy of the rerelease of the Selling from the Heart book.https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/selling-from-the-heart-larry-levine/1130142818SUBSCRIBE to our YOUTUBE CHANNEL!https://www.youtube.com/c/sellingfromtheheart/Please visit WHY INSTITUTE:https://whyinstitute.com/Please go to WORK BETTER NOW:https://www.workbetternow.com/Click for your Daily Dose of Inspiration:https://www.sellingfromtheheart.net/daily

34m 37s  ·  May 4, 2024

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