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Eric's Final Episode


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Episode  ·  1:27:40  ·  Jul 2, 2023


For months now, Easy E and I have been keeping a secret from everyone. We finally have come to the time when we can no longer hide it. Back at the first of the year, Easy E told me that he was leaving Nashville and moving to Orlando, FL. He got a fantastic job opportunity, and couldn't let it pass him by. Needless to say, I was a little shocked, but not very surprised since his girlfriend lives there, and I knew it would only be a matter of time before he packed up and left. However, I wasn't prepared for him to leave so soon. We decided to keep things a secret because we didn't want the focus of the podcast to turn to him leaving, and us doing some sort of sad countdown to his final day. We wanted to "keep the status quo," and keep the focus on providing quality content presented in a unique manner. But sadly, the time has finally come. This is Easy E's final episode. So, tonight we celebrate all things Eric. We will take a look back at some of our favorite topics, funniest moments, and lament about all the things that we didn't get a chance to talk about during our time together. Easy E has become more than just a cohost. He has been a dear, and trusted friend, and he and I have spent many times together just hanging out and having a good time - without doing a podcast. Yes, Easy E has been a good cohost, and an even better friend. I know that he will succeed in his new life in Orlando, and I wish him nothing but good times and happiness. Saying goodbye is never easy, so instead of saying that, I'll say "So long." You will be missed, my friend, and the Secret Bunker will always feel empty without you.

1h 27m 40s  ·  Jul 2, 2023

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