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Episode 3: Bad Compliments

Will Work for Blank

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Episode  ·  1:11:42  ·  Feb 25, 2021


Whassaaap. Come suck some dirt through some straws, I guess, cause that’s all that’s left of the world, with Axel, Luna, and Quinoa, while we try to navigate a week full of romance, depression, Axel caring a little too much about Nintendo, and literal garbage from the skip. Also, Quinoa woke up. We can’t… Relate?But why are we sucking dirt through some straws? Well, good question. Some other good questions are: has Matt Hancock been hancocked? Why was Quinoa preparing Ghislaine Maxwell’s bail documents? How many times can we blow our gayllotine load in one episode? Is Bernie Sanders an ignorant sl*t? Is Axel just an Excel spreadsheet? When will Quinoa JUST. STOP. BREATHING? And… Do we have other segments apart from the news? Finally, this week, we actually talk about something that alleviates our depression; video games! We discuss how many pixels can fit in a pixel, how Fortnite is the equivalent of grief counselling for Gen-Zennials, how Sims helped us abuse our fictional children and become God (one and the same, really), and why maybe playing video games is a better alternative to committing violent crimes (unless you’re Axel and instead play GTA obeying all traffic laws and apologising to the strippers).Well, thank you for reading this! You literally have nothing better to do because the world is over, so come check out our contact details and show notes, including sources for our news discussion, here: www.willworkforblankpod.wordpress.com.

1h 11m 42s  ·  Feb 25, 2021

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