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Ep9: Pusha Preme is an Anonymous Artist with a Billboard Plaque

Waves Of The Bay: The Podcast

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Episode  ·  1:31:02  ·  Feb 24, 2022


One of the struggles of being an Artist is knowing when to separate Art from Life. The freedom that comes from wearing a mask and being fully able to express yourself without judgment is refreshing. Instead of being a popularity contest the focus is on the Art itself and this is a lane that Pusha Preme has thrived in. Instead of making excuses for why Tampa isn't in the spotlight he goes out and makes waves! It was only right that we talk to him on this episode of Waves Of The Bay. Follow him @pushapreme and make sure you show love to us @wavesofthebay.Watch the interview at https://youtu.be/bdW-dJxfliQ. Please make sure you Subscribe to the page.

1h 31m 2s  ·  Feb 24, 2022

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