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Ep50 Paws, Press, and Peace: Healing Pet Grief

Plus Fitness with Tara

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Episode  ·  17:51  ·  Mar 8, 2024


Hey there, fitness friends! Are you ready for a heart-to-heart in episode 50 of Plus Fitness with Tara? Ever faced the crushing weight of grief, especially from losing a furry companion? I'm Tara MacDonald, and today, I'm getting personal. We're talking about the loss of my beloved Westie, Skye, and how grief hit me like a dumbbell to the soul.Why does losing a pet feel like a piece of your heart has trotted away? Can our other pets sense the void? And how do we find the strength to press on through the pain? I'll share my journey, provide some coping strategies, and even guide you through a soothing meditation to help heal heartbreak.Join me as we navigate the ups and downs of pet loss, discover how to honor their memory, and remind ourselves that in the midst of sadness, "I am loved, and everything is okay." Grab your tissues and let's get through this together.

17m 51s  ·  Mar 8, 2024

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