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Ep 94: From OKR skeptic to OKR convert. How OKRs truly benefit an organization | Salpie Kechichian Head of Product Management, wakecap


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Episode  ·  25:34  ·  Apr 5, 2023


In this fabulous episode I have the pleasure of speaking with Salipe Kechichian, Head of Product Management for wakecap. This episode is full of timeless insight. So please, make sure you take some notes.Salpie and I discuss how she originally was a skeptic of OKRs and yet through being given a fresh perspective how she became a convert and huge advocate of the OKR methodology. She goes into great detail on the benefits of the OKR program for their organization and her team as well. Sharing how clarity, prioritization, visualization, reflection and of course sharing wins with her team are driving transformation. And you will truly enjoy her speaking about the unique value of a new found common language being spoken at wakecap and how it's making everyone more cohesive and productive. Her powerful messages and takeaways will resonate not only with OKR fans but for anyone who is or has considered an Okr program to improve strategic execution, increase motivation, and improve the overall performance of the entire organization.

25m 34s  ·  Apr 5, 2023

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