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Ep 145 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: "Leatherhead: Terror of the Swamp"

Boob Tube Boys

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Episode  ·  1:18:23  ·  May 10, 2024


It's a monumental moment in the history of the Boob Tube Boys as the one and only Leatherhead, the gator who knows a good jambalya when he sees it, makes an actual appearance on the show the boys are covering. That's right it's not just Van or Brian bringing him up for no reason, he's actually here!That's all because Van has selected the animated 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, one of the few shows that captivated all three tubers as children. These are the pizza slingin', sass having, turtle teens that catapulted the franchise into the stratosphere. We learn about the humble origins of the reptiles, how every voice actor in the show was also a voice actor in Metal Gear Solid, and just how much fun it is to do both a Cajun accent and make alligator jokes

1h 18m 23s  ·  May 10, 2024

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