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Ep 144 | Happy Days: "My Favorite Orkin"

Boob Tube Boys

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Episode  ·  1:21:28  ·  May 3, 2024


Robin Williams may have been a talented performer with a long career full of highlights, but this Happy Days episode (which was one his first Hollywood appearances) leaves a bit to be desiredApparently Ritchie is convinced he saw a flying saucer but no one will believe him! The good news is he was ultimately right, and the pilot of that saucer just so happens to be looking for him. Of course the pilot is revealed to be Mork from Ork (of Mork and Mindy fame), who is an alien with a weird sense of humor and a lot of zany energyThe story takes a turn for the worse when Mork reveals he'll be taking Ritchie back to Ork to experiment on, but fortunately for our hero he's got a fighting ace up his sleeve... THE FONZ

1h 21m 28s  ·  May 3, 2024

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